
what do you think?

writen by: Namira Yasqi
am i wrong to pretend? as if everything is okay? well, im good at pretending.. so, you better watch out next time.
what the heck is going on here? huh? what did i just wrote? a drama? a soap opera? or.... about a real fact about what's happening around us? oh God, i wish every of my questions everyone will answer it literally.

im hiding so much facts, im too much in pressure every each day, but.. i guess its such a lesson for my future, 'the more i get hurt, the stronger person i am' i always keep that word in my head.. why am i so overreacting rite about now? about... this post? no, im so not. im just talking about the things that happen to every of us. everyone has their own secret that they wont be revealed,and everyone has their own pain that they dont want to show... just to make everything is alright.

you guys should be proud of yourself, every little things about these are just one of the facts about a real life drama.
just so u know, im still young, and im still in senior high school. who is still searching and find out... 'who am i?" "what am i gonna be?" "what the really i am?" oh believe me, you do too.
i always wanna be someone who inspiring everyone, to always see positive one, the other's side of story, and the truth behind the lie. (agak melenceng deh sepertinya, haha),but seriously, thats true.

ababil? iya. emosi up and down? iya. out of control? yes. well, itu salah satu proses kita, sebagai remaja yang kelak akan menjadi dewasa nantinya, just so u know.. apapun kekurangan lo, sebanyak apapun kesalahan lo dimasa lalu, sesakit apapun rasanya jadi 'underdog' (tertindas) in your school, atau... ya segelincir masalah-masalah lo itu, ambil positifnya aja, jadiin suatu pengalaman yang berawal dari pelajaran tersebut, boleh kok kita feel lyk "damn,why do i have to feel like this?" "kenapa gak orang lain aja?" or so much grumble about your life, but seriously, just feel happy about being yourself, hidup itu keras! keras itu yang buat kita lembut, which is... maksud gue, lembut dengan arti lebih sabar.

dan ya,dengan kita mengerti diri kita itu siapa, terutama dengan kita bisa mengerti dan tau kekurangan kita itu apa, you can find the best thing about yourself, everyone! you may think kalo kekurangan lo itu bener-bener ngerugiin lo, bener-bener bawa lo ke setiap masalah, but you have to slip about a word lyk 'im not that ugly' 'im not that bad' etc, being honest to yourself, and you can bless for everything that God's gave to you, so you can bless about the best thing about yourself because you've accepted for the things everyone would every dreamed of, weakness.

honestly, gue juga susah, susah banget buat menerima, susah.. lyk crazeh! tapi, dengan gue cari tau apa kekurangan gue, kelebihan gue, seenggaknya gue bisa tau dan.. memanfaatkannya untuk kedepan, entah memanfaatkannya buat diri gue sendiri, atau orang lain, intinya dengan cara itu, kita bisa terima diri kita itu siapa. stop complaining about yourself and get ready to bring the best all you've got!

oh iya, kalo dipikir-pikir emg agak gak nyambung yah sama yang atas-atas ~,~ tapi  intinya disini gua cuman mau ngasih tau aja kok :) semoga berguna ya maaf kalo ada kata-kata yang gakjelas :)


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